I've got 10 minutes on the clock then it's dinner time.
Whilst walking and tuk-tukking about Bangkok today (which we've incidentally decided is very similar city to all the others we've visited after all!) I've been wondering what I'm here for and what all these other people are here for too. Bangkok seems to have thrown the question sharply in to my thoughts. I'm realising what a creature of habit I am too. How I like going to work and having a home and even how cold weather is good some of the time. Sharpens the senses. Anyway, I digress...
What is this travelling malarkey all about ay? God this sounds cheesy doesn't it?! I'm not trying to 'find myself' as such but I am questioning my existence and I think it's true to say everything seems a lot more vital and pressing when you're on the road all the time. It's a strange dichotomy; I find I spend half my time looking after my basic needs (including food, shelter, physical direction etc.), and the rest contemplating the bigger picture, the fruitlessness versus value of my life. Both seem of equal importance.
Are we so-called travellers here to see places in all their shades, to really experience other cultures and immerse ourselves, or to simply enjoy cheep living and to cheerily tick them off in our Lonely Planets, show off to friends on facebook and collect customs stamps in our passports for posterity as we go? I suppose we all have different reasons. For me, this is about seeing a few new places before I visit my father in Oz. Unfortunately I'm too cynical and stubborn to think this will change me in any obvious or significant way. That's not to say I'm not being open minded.
I wonder if there are acknowledged rights of passage for travellers? The number of bugs you pick up or bags you have stolen perhaps.
I'm awash with thoughts and questions but also a lot happier suddenly. I think I'm getting the hang of it, this, what ever 'it' is. Perhaps I wont want to return to work after all.
We're heading out of here and off to Koh Tao tomorrow evening. The West side of Thailand is now experiencing the wet season so this is the island to go to.
Gotta dash...
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