Friday, 2 May 2008

Finding Nemo

First day of diving today. Wow! What a thrill!

The island Borneo Divers took us to is paradise. It was so warm in the sea too. Not like the shores back home. Saw loads of fishies even in the shallow water, even found Nemo(!) and we went down to 10 metres!

The training is quite intense so we're going through all the emergency procedures - changing mouthpieces and removing the body jacket underwater is a bit scary at first. We both had a splutter. The two kids learning with us enjoyed pointing out that because they are so young they're 'like sponges and can learn fast', ie. not like you two fuddy duddies. The cheek!

A combination of the heat, dehydration, overexertion, nitrogen, pressure etc. has resuted in Ric being rather unwell this evening. In fact he hurled as soon as we got off the boat which brought us back from the island and has been upstairs in bed since.

I'm fine. Have lost track of the days and thinking I never want to go back to an office job.

He'd better get better by tomorrow. I wouldn't want him to miss any of this.
Another 8.30am pick-up and back to the island for deeper dives.


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