Another busy day today (well, for people on holiday). The weather improved massively so we went off to meet Shawn the prawn and try to catch some of his buddies at Huka Prawn Park in Taupo. I was reluctant to go as I didn't want to catch anything but I tagged along anyway as the riding stable was booked up.
The Prawn Park is a funny place. Ric paid $20 (about 8 quid) to fish all day in the four large ponds. He was given a bamboo rod, a bucket of icy water and some cubed Ox heart for bait and sent on his way. The park keeper said I should do the baiting because female pheromones attract sea-creatures and that once we caught our first prawn we should prize the flesh out and use it to bait the rest - so we learned than the prawn is also cannibalistic creature!
Unsurprisingly, without a rod I started to get bored very quickly. I went off to make Ric a sandwich, then walked right round the park, had a go on the some of the interactive attractions including the 'water bikes' (which were pretty lame), cleaned out the car, and then had a go with Ric's rod, thinking I wouldn't catch anything of course...and then I snagged one!
I felt really confused - elated on the one hand but guilty on the other. I couldn't kill this creature could I? What a bad vegetarian! But it was quite exciting. Perhaps I could get myself a rod anyway to pass the time...
So that's what I did. I became a vegetarian who, when very very bored, is prepared to fish for prawns. I only caught three but one of them seemed to be about to spawn thousands of tiny yellow eggs - I would have put it back if it hadn't died in the bucket straight away. Ric also caught three. There should, in total be enough for a small sandwich.
After a day's worth of fishing excitement we went back to the Spa Thermal Park for a soak. It seemed much hotter than yesterday, and busier - I think a whole bus load of student travelers had been dropped off, with their crates of beer.
Our new hypnotherapist friend was there again and this time with, of all people, his teacher Brian Cattermole who founded the "ZennaE" program and has been treating people with everything from anxiety disorders to cancer for 20 years (when he's not being an electrician). It was a strange coincidence indeed. Reiterating what was said to me the day before, Brian spoke of how in a relatively short space of time he could release me of my problems by enabling me to explore their roots. His theory is that most of us carry unresolved 'issues' or emotions from our early childhood in to adulthood and that by tapping in to our memory we can unleash some of these feelings which can in turn restore good health - or something like that.
So his method is basically to combine theories of psychoanalysis with hypnosis and something 'other' of which not even he can speak.
I didn't want to come across as a cynic and he is an interesting guy who clearly believes in what he does but I have seen a lot of therapists and read a lot of books in my time and he wasn't giving me enough hard facts or evidence to suggest his method would help me. I'm not prepared to place faith in miracles as wonderful as they sound.
It's very easy to sum up the causal factors and believe systems of a typical anorexic, bulimic, OCD sufferer and the like. In a way he was right to say bulimia is largely about self-loathing and a desire to purge and punish but that's not all it is about. Sure, the first seven years of our lives are important in shaping our future, but that's not where all the damage is done or where the answers lie. If I had $240 floating about and wasn't rushing to get to Auckland in a week I probably would have done it out of curiosity, but the more I read and read in to his aphoristic materials and think about what he said, the less I am inclined to take him seriously, especially when he describes cancer as a 'black energy form' and something he can 'squeeze out' of a patient's body. He goes on to say that 'cancer is all about emotions originally suppressed by the child'. I'm sorry but I just can't take this seriously. If you really have found a 'cure' for cancer then go and test it thoroughly and get it officiated!
Once we had boiled ourselves at the thermal river again we went for a bite to eat in town. While crossing a roundabout we were honked at very loudly and for a long time by some scum-bag on our tail. Annoyed by this unprovoked aural abuse, Ric stuck a finger up to the driver and thought nothing more of it, that is until he pulled up beside us when we parked, leaped out of his seat and threatened Ric with all sorts of obscenities, even telling us that he'd come back to get us later.
That was probably the least relaxing dinner we have ever eaten. All was well in the end though.
It's a shame how incidents like that can really put one of place. I don't fancy returning to Manila after that beggar woman mugged me.
Regarding Brian Cattermole and ZennaE*
You really have NO idea what you're talking about do you??? You shouldn't bag out something that you haven't even tried for yourself! It's this type of attitude that prevents healings or ‘miracles’ from taking place. ZennaE* offers a very quick, effective way out of your pain and suffering and offers a release for apparently ‘incurable’ disease. You really shouldn’t bag out something you don’t even understand.
However; and this is very unfortunate; many people are not aware of this type of cure, because most of them have been brain washed into ‘believing’ that they either have to take drugs or die – they ‘believe’ that there are no other options available. We are encouraged to treat the symptoms rather than the REAL cause of a disease!
People are suffering because they, like you, are either too narrow-minded or unaware that there are other very effective treatments available to help them out their pain. They don’t need to take drugs to treat the symptoms of their disease or even die from their dis-ease.
I've had a treatment and I know for a fact that the 'black energy' and emotional release is VERY REAL and VERY FULL-ON! I also see the difference it’s made to my life!
Maybe you should give it a go! Miracles do happen! Maybe ZennaE* could release you from your narrow-mindedness so in the future you don't continue to miss out on the many great opportunities the universe presents to you!!!
Hello Brian
Thanks for your comment. I didn't mean to offend but I think have seen enough of this to know what I am talking about, or rather I have seen how little evidence there is for this to know. I have tried it, albeit briefly and found it did nothing more than scratch the surface of a very old itch. I think you totally oversimplify people's problems including mine.
Your understanding of eating disorders and OCD was vague and I am not prepared to put my faith in someone who doesn't understand my problems and who offers me a quick way out. In my experience there is no such thing. You say I don't understand - you haven't explained what you do! You say I am narrow minded - I am not, I have tried virtually everything out there.
I appreciate that conventional medicine doesn't hold all the answers but you should show people some actual evidence so they might take you seriously.
Hello Alex, and sorry, I am not Brian, I'm a person who has been fortuate to have a treatment with Brian and it has changed my life around!!! Good luck with yours!!!
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