Ric and I have been putting off changing our return flights to London via New Zealand, the Cook Islands and America. Back in March when we booked our round-the-world tickets, STA's system wouldn't allow us to book beyond December even though we are entitled to so we always knew we would have to change them at some stage. With this on my mind and not being able to remember when our flight to New Zealand was I checked this morning. To my horror we were supposed to go on Saturday 25th October - last weekend! We missed a flight! Panic!
That could have meant that we'd forfeited the rest of our ticket. However, after much begging, excuse making and white lying to the nice lady at Air New Zealand she told me that all was not lost and that we could change the flights for $50 per head per flight which STA should cover.
The question now is when do we want to go and for how long. Is Ric's suggestion of 8 weeks in New Zealand too long? How long do we want to spend in California? Do I even want to go back?
What will become of us?
Ric is suddenly aware of all his recent spending and has lined up another job interview tomorrow (he thinks the last agency was put off by his travel plans) so we'll wait to see what they say, but the trouble is that he has to tell employers that he'll only be around for another 7 weeks before his family comes over. And then once they and visiting friends have left he wont want to sit in the flat by himself all day again until the lease expires in February. I don't blame him. It will be so hot then too - not nice in without air-conditioning. He'd love to be motivated enough to write his film or code from here but he just isn't. It's been so long since he worked.
It's alright for me. I can stay at work for as long as I like and quite frankly, I don't look forward to returning to London to search for employment with the economy as it is. Neither have I figured out what I'm going to do there.
We went to see How To Lose Friends And Alienate People at our local cinema this evening (cheap Tuesdays so only $10) which was well made, excellently scripted and hugely enjoyable. It included some extremely funny lines, hilarious comedy scenes (some with animals), a great cast, a and a smattering of Englishness (though not a whiff of (Hugh Grant) to keep us Brits happy.
Ric had to see Saw 5 on his own earlier. I can only watch those gore fests from behind a pillow.
I was then treated to a delicious dinner of Teryaki Salmon with stir-fried leeks, beansprouts, tofu and Enoki mushrooms, Japanese style. I didn't think I could manage a whole steak but Ric watched in pleasure as I ate it all. Am just trying not to think of it's little face or eyes. Was very tasty though.
It's raining here again tonight. I amazes me how quickly the weather changes in Sydney. It was scorching only yesterday!
I can't wait for Helen's Halloween party on Friday. I've invited a couple of girls from the office and have gone overboard with my outfit - even bought some glittery false eyelashes today!
I have drifted in to the pattern of going to bed too late again. Must stop it.
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