Friday, 11 July 2008

Dog off the menu

Check it out! According to the FT, it looks like Ric might have to abandon his quest to find dog meat. Pity.

A few grumbles:

I've just been scrolling through this list of influential female bloggers. Ive clearly got some work to do on mine if I am to get more people to read it. I don't think I'm nearly geeky enough though and what will I write about when this trip is over? I can't waffle on about my OCD for ever.

I am being bitten a lot here in China and for the first time my skin is reacting. I reckon there must be different type of mosquito here. Interesting. No lizards here either, live ones anyway.

A final grumble - I just can't understand why people go on holiday if they can't afford it. I am surrounded by Moaning Minnies here who are talking about their budgets, how expensive their $1 meals are, how they are skipping lunches to save up, how they will miss out on the tours to save dosh and other costs, etc. etc. Go home and get a job for Gods sake and come back when you can afford to enjoy yourself!

OK. I've had enough of the Enya now. Need to slap on some more Tiger Balm .

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