Tassie - my baby, my love, my dearest friend, my confidante, my beautiful loving dog - died today.
After two nightmarish weeks of worry followed by hope, despair followed by relief, today the illness in her body, which we'll never fully know, got the better of her. And as she drifted away in my arms, I really felt something went out in me too.
My mother and I are totally heartbroken and cannot imagine life without her. How unfair that we must now talk of her in the past, that she is no longer in our present with her delicious smelling paws, her warm soft ears, her beautiful golden coat, always waggy tail and those huge sad brown eyes which could warm the coldest heart.
Everybody loved Tassie. A dog but a person, a family member.
Each day from now will be painful for a while.
Rest In Peace my darling.